Carrie Underwood
Carrie Underwood has beaten the odds: at a time of the year when TV is clogged with Christmas specials, she managed to put one together that stood out. It had something for everyone — singing, sentiment, silliness, and sex. And she made its charms last for a full two hours. At first, it was a little hard to see where the “holiday” in this An All-Star Holiday Special was going to apply. Underwood began by singing “Cowboy Casanova” attired in various tight black materials, with what looked like platform boots borrowed from KISS. Oh my, I thought, what a refreshing alternative to the seasonal red-and-green!
When I first read Underwood’s eclectic guest list — Dolly Parton and David Cook, no surprises there; but Kristen Chenoweth and Christina Applegate, too? — I thought, uh-oh, this could be a trying-to-please-everybody bland-fest. Instead, this varied line-up proved to be one of the strengths of the evening. Yes, she sang an impeccable duet with Dolly, a stark “I Will Always Love You.” But she also offered a sweetly raucous tribute to ’60s girl-group pop, as Underwood, Chenoweth and Applegate, in pink prom dresses and beehive hairdos, powered through a fine medley of songs such as “Leader of The Pack,” “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow,” and “Be My Baby.”
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